Egg sponge cake (new way of Kuih Bahulu)
*makes 16 muffin size of cake
(recipe source: adapted from Jane's corner with minor changes)
5 large eggs, room temperature
150g caster sugar
170g cake flour
1tsp baking powder
2tbsp melted butter
Kuaci (Melon seed)
1. Sift cake flour and baking powder, set aside.
2. Beat eggs and sugar over low speed in a mixer
for 30mins or until the batter is thick and creamy
(or you can write a letter "O" on the surface of
batter and it should stay there for few seconds)
3. Add in melted butter spoon by spoon.
4. Slowly add in flour mixture,
also spoon by spoon until batter well combined.
5. Pre-heat oven at 180c and also
heat muffin pan in the oven at the same time.
6. Remove muffin pan,
brush butter on the bottom
and side of each muffin mould
7. Pour batter into muffin mould
(about 80% full),
bake for 20-25mins or until golden brown.